Another busy week for us all here at Glebe. We’ve now had our new behaviour system in place for a couple of weeks and I’ve been massively impressed with how the children have role modelled excellence to everyone in assemblies, moving around school and in classes.
We have been trialling our new timetable too, so that no minutes of learning are lost. The children have taken to this exceptionally well and it’s great to see them working so well.
Last night Miss Hembling, Mrs Parker, Miss Atkins, Mr Glasson and myself were proud to celebrate with some of our Year 6’s on research projects they completed with Sweyne. Great job guys!
Hope you have a great weekend!
M Clarke
Sorry Folks! We’ve had some resident complaints raised. Please park considerately so cars can pass, drives are clear and please abide by resident no parking requests. Thank you.
A huge well done this week to:
RRB: Grace and Ollie | RD: Bobbie and Jorik |
1N: Jack W and Harley B-D | 1R: Blossom F and Albie K |
2/3R: Lara and Henry | 2/3BV: Riley and Barney |
2/3A: Oliver P and Finlay T | |
4L: Zoe S and Alex F | 4H: Scarlett R and Teddy M |
5L: Melissa K and Lily M | 5P: Tilly and Lola |
6A: Aditi and Sabrina | 6G: Max and Nicole |
Parents Evening
Please remember that school will close at 1:30pm on 7th February. More details to follow…
Out of School Achievements
Ella (4L) received her first horse riding trophy for achieving the fastest time to complete the Christmas obstacle course during her horse riding lesson before Christmas. Ella’s time was the fastest out of all times recorded from each lesson. Well done Ella!!
School Lunch
Next week we will be on Week 1 of the Autumn Winter Dinner Menu.
Attendance: Our school target is 97%
Year to date 96%
We expect pupils to be in school everyday.
We will not authorise term time absence except in exceptional circumstances and where appropriate, Essex County Council will issue fines.
RD: 92.74% | RRB: 90.52% |
1N: 96.67% | 1R: 93.97% |
2/3A: 93.95% | 2/3BV: 100% |
2/3R: 95.98% | |
4H: 99.14% | 4L: 97.92% |
5L: 100% | 5P: 94.35% |
6A: 96.25% | 6G: 93.75% |
This week, we have two classes with the highest attendance, they were 2/3BV and 5L both with 100% Well done!The attendance reward will be coming your way..
07/02/23 Parent Consultations. School closes 13:30pm. Nursery open.
10/02/23 Last day of Term – Half Term
20/02/23 Return to School
12/03/23 Mock SATS week Year 6
31/03/23 Last Day of Term – Easter
17/04/23 Return to school
May 2023 Year 2 SATS
09/05/23 Year 6 SATS week.
26/05/23 Half Term
05/06/23 Return to school
23/06/23 Sports Day
26/06/22-29/06/22 Year 6 Residential