Early Years Foundation Stage: Little Willows Nursery

Children from 3 years

We offer a full time, during term time, nursery provision. Our sessions run Monday to Friday, 8.45am – 11.45am and 12.15pm – 3.15pm, with the opportunity for a lunch provision. The children who stay all day will be able to have either a school dinner or packed lunch.


Thank you for showing an interest in our Nursery, we hope that the following information will give you a small insight into our provision.

Our Nursery is an integral part of our school. The children play and learn within our Early Years Foundation Stage unit, working alongside our 2 Reception classes. The children have their own inside/outside learning space and also share the outside area with our Reception children. 

We are delighted to be able to offer a 30 hour provision in our Nursery with additional wraparound care from 7.00am to 6.00pm.

Our Nursery uses the school facilities, including our field, friendly forest, halls and libraries.  

The children have opportunities for outdoor learning days linked to our creative curriculum and topics. We also have weekly PE lessons, linked to the Early Years curriculum. The children also attend assemblies with the other Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage One classes. 

We work very closely as an Early Years unit to provide a smooth transition between Nursery and Reception. For our Nursery children, they are already familiar with their surroundings and feel safe and happy moving into Reception. 

Parental involvement is of upmost importance and we offer lots of different opportunities for parents to be involved in their child’s education. We run parent workshops, invite parents in for workshare sessions, as well as having an online Learning Journey which allows access at any time.  

Our Early Years outside space is used across the Early Years Foundation Stage unit. The children have a role-play house, story telling area, climbing equipment, exploration garden, as well as resources that encourage learning across the Early Years curriculum. 

For any questions regarding admission to the nursery, please contact the school office on admin@glebeschool.com.

If you would like to register your interest in our nursery, please complete the form below and either return to the school office or email Mrs Wilson on admin@glebeschool.com.

The Importance of Nursery

Nursery provides an excellent opportunity for children to interact with other children in a supervised and controlled environment. This interaction helps to improve a child’s social skills, empathy and communication skills.

Preparation for school
Children who attend nursery are usually more prepared for school than those who do not. They have already experienced a more structured learning environment which helps them cope better with the transition to kindergarten or elementary school.

Attendance at nursery helps to develop independence in young children. They learn to develop self-help skills such as dressing, feeding themselves and using the bathroom independently.

Vision & Values

We are committed to strong partnerships between home, school and community members. 

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There is no “one size fits all.” At Glebe Primary school and Nursery we treat children as individuals. 

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Friends of Glebe

When your child joins Glebe, as parents and carers you automatically become a member of FoGP. 

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About us

We believe that education is about more than just what happens in the classroom.

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Our Governors

The LGB is made up of members from different groups – parents, staff, our local community and the Headteacher.

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